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  1. The same as baseball and track and powerlifting lol people ask this question and forget that the boys have multiple seasons going on all the time. I promise you it’s gone be plenty that want to play
  2. I didn’t see a topic about this but Starkville SD hired Jay Hopson as their Athletic Director. Will he be coaching football as well?
  3. Lots of job turnover going on but all I hear are the same names and recycling of coaches. I also hear a lot of young guys getting frustrated because it doesn’t seem to be much path for them to be head coaches these days. As t least in places that actually care.
  4. So the superintendent really hard on coaches? I keep hearing alot of negative about him.
  5. I just got to see Lawrence Co run spread and be successful at it. And they are not in the district to be guessing in.
  6. What schools have stand alone AD jobs and are any of those schools opening up? How could one go on to find what AD jobs are open.
  7. Mais goes to some great lengths to make everyone happy. How do you have a state championship with 4 teams in the playoffs then 2 more with 6 more teams. 16 out of 20 make playoffs. You only have to win 1 or 2 games to make a state championship. Weak.
  8. 2) Impossible. You can't get officials as it is. You surely not gonna get them to have college degrees. Require them to take Efficiency classes? Ok sure. 4. My personal belief is that the MHSAA can do more to prepare what they have but everyone has to take it very serious and they do not. Regardless if yall like the officials or not, there isn't "better" out there. If there is, they not gonna call. They gonna sit in the stands and stay on the message boards and talk. Anyone can do it. I would suggest if you are physically able, please go and try out. They need officials badly. I do not know what they are going to do in the next 10 years because it won't be enough.
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