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  1. I would be glad to see Coach Brady return to the coast he is a great role model for young men.
    3 points
  2. From all accounts it was supposed to have good attendance being planned for so I guess it went well I haven't really heard anything. As some here know I have been limited in moving about as I once had . This was pretty much most of last year . So much so i had only been to Waynesboro two times max during that time period, Those trips consisted of me taking care of the business of keeping property up to date and not putting boots on the ground so to speak. . Outside of coming across the so called Supt briefly ( I still consider him to be a self serving bum ), I didn't have any contact with anyone stirring the sauce so to speak. These next thoughts are not easy for a someone with as much pride as I have been cursed or blessed with, take your pick, to make known. Nevertheless when a power greater than yourself reveals something to you , only a fool would not see the direction this was steering them down. Being wrong is something everyone is faced with frequently. To truly move forward you have to be willing to admit it at least internally . Very recently I spent an extended time up there and without going into specifics I was hit in the face by this very thing. It's true that Wayne County has not had success on the field . While wins would have been nice those need to be as a result of the progress . Coach Jack Hankins has been out front taking the arrows for theses kids . Arrows shot by people like myself. Man was I ever wrong . I called good , bad, and from ancient times we have been told to refrain from this. I will be judged for it one day. The man laid his guts out for me to see. There is no doubt that his selflessness is evident in the kind of young man he is putting out. I seen it first hand. He is the only anchor a lot of these kids have. He puts that first. Above on how he is viewed by the vast majority. Wayne County and Waynesboro are both crime infested traps for the young men there right now. He's the only way out for many that have the deck stacked against them from day one. Without going too long I do apologize to Coach Hankins. I hope he doesn't leave anytime soon. It may shock some but if he doesn't win another game I don't care. My point of view has changed rapidly .He's doing the dirty work that most men or coaches wouldn't touch and bailed out a long time ago. Really an almost thankless job. Wanting to hoist titles is a bridge too far right now as I see it. A lot of dirty hands in my hometown as to the overall state of things but the man that has the HC position isn't one of them. As was said to me there may not be an answer but all you can do is try to keep dipping water out of the boat as it spills in or it will rapidly sink to the bottom. It may wind up there anyway.
    2 points
  3. Hey we’ve all had to eat some crow around here. Don’t sweat it.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Let me state the obvious answer here.. Lane Brady.
    2 points
  6. Word on the street is he's opening a school called "The Lane Brady School for learning how to coach like Lane Brady"
    2 points
  7. There is only one assistant from West Marion qualified for this job.... LANE. BRADY.
    2 points
  8. Holy run-on sentence, Batman!
    2 points
  9. word. one of the bone headedest play calls since seattle in the super bowl vs the patriots
    2 points
  10. I think Coach Freeman has it figured out and could care less about the espn race bait issue. If he thought like many other coaches he wouldn't have the number of white players starting or much less even on the team. He is so much better than Brian Kelly.
    2 points
  11. I know several kids who are now in college and out of college who were home schooled. They are some of the most disciplined humans I have ever met.
    1 point
  12. Biloxi screwed up running off French if that is the case.
    1 point
  13. Slick I told you he’s a really good guy who goes above and beyond for his kids. We are all bleacher coaches at times and second guess coaching. The one thing you can’t second guess is what he does for some of the players who have nobody else to do for them. I’ve been there when the coaches would say ok I’m going to take this one home you take that one. We’re talking miles and miles a week because otherwise they would not make it to practice. I showed up at the ER one night because our longtime manager JP who was in bad shape. Who beat me there? Coach Hankins heck I have even been going through some health issues who always texts or calls to check on me it Coach Hankins. I always thank him and he always says you’re War Eagle Family. We at WC have been spoiled through the years by winning. Things got off track before Coach Hankins got here, people just don’t realize how far off track. I do believe he’s righting the ship but my ultimate compliment would be I would definitely won’t my son to play for him.
    1 point
  14. In your opinion, do you think some of the on-field shortcomings are attributed more to some assistant coaching shortcomings? The way they managed to come alive the second half of the season could bode well for their momentum going forward!
    1 point
  15. Great Post!!! I don't know the guy but I think this post shed light on the fact that wins are great and something to strive for, but for the high school coach ( the good ones anyway ) it can be more than ball.
    1 point
  16. Only because he's another vagrant retiree who's unlikely to be long term.
    1 point
  17. No one wants any of the Laurel coaches. Not even of their own fans.
    1 point
  18. I think its best for the school to break the news first instead of an outsider.
    1 point
  19. Those that are in the know are keeping it hush hush. Feaster is a great coach, but I don't know if that's the right move here. Because Hattiesburg just came off of a state title appearance, they don't need to go reinvent the wheel. Promoting from within would make the most sense.
    1 point
  20. He will last 1-2 years tops I believe. Tough mountain to climb for a first time head coach with a checkered past few stops
    1 point
  21. Hearing that Bass was offered the job but turned it down because the money wasn’t right
    1 point
  22. less won't be more if this is the case.
    1 point
  23. Theodore's only loss that year was to Saraland and Saraland's only loss that year was to Theodore. It just so happened that Theodore picked the wrong time to split with Saraland.
    1 point
  24. There’s two sides to every story... I will concede to you that. But, Jones’ record doesn’t need defending… he’s won everywhere he’s been and had great success at Starkville. Now, the Supt got what he wanted and is on the clock. I wish Starkville well. However, he will look really dumb if he doesn’t get this hire right.
    1 point
  25. That’s not true don’t know where u getting ur facts from u got it all wrong .
    1 point
  26. Watching them last year, I would have loved to see them run some veer/midline with him! He was as quick as a hiccup!
    1 point
  27. The way Charleston lined up on defense during that state championship game says otherwise.
    1 point
  28. Yep. But I will not be naming the ones who applied.
    1 point
  29. I'd say the OC for Gautier is pretty good. Louisville seems to always have great coordinators. I'd be interested in a topic like this but for position coaches. A lot of coaches who do a lot with a little.
    1 point
  30. Lotsa young coaches think they're ready for 5A-7A and really aren't, but are super motivated. Find a smaller school and make a record of success and it'll come along eventually. I always liked being a HC in small ball better than big schools... my preference. Less mouths in my ear.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. When did the power company give your phone back to you?
    1 point
  33. Lane Brady all the way. Can't turn him down. Best non HC to ever wear the headset. Stop the interviews. No need to proceed.
    1 point
  34. Katlin French and Lane Brady
    1 point
  35. smithville and falkner made quite good hires. also south pontotoc is open as well
    1 point
  36. Is this for all open jobs?
    1 point
  37. Wait.... I think I know where you're going with this.
    1 point
  38. He doesn't have to. There's something out there called commuting. Heck, I wouldn't leave either cuz moving ain't fun.
    1 point
  39. True. But at the beginning and end of the day a coach will answer to the administration. A coach should not feel like outside people (committees) have a say over their job. 100%, administrators have to do the job they are paid to do. Have the backbone to hire the coach, and if it doesn’t work out then move on.
    1 point
  40. OM is four games into a very tough SEC and they already have 2 road wins. That’s huge.
    1 point
  41. It has to be the school, location, pay etc or he would be on it faster than When Won Sune at Hattiesburg, MSU, or Dallas Cowboys.
    1 point
  42. Gotta be the Brady Bunch clone factor.
    1 point
  43. Must be the next Boyles or Jones
    1 point
  44. In all seriousness, Lane Brady would have been an excellent choice fit for sumrall
    1 point
  45. I'll go ahead before it comes up anyway-Lane Brady
    1 point
  46. Ball is at the one yard line. Why is the QB not under center? When you are in the shotgun, you are already giving up 4 yards of field position, then you pitch the ball back to the RB. Now he is 8 yards from the goal line. That is insane. QB sneak on one. Hut. Hut. Color me completely clueless on this philosophy by football coaches when you have one yard or less to gain.
    1 point
  47. Well who screwed the pooch worse? PSU or TX? I thought PSU could not be topped but TX not only topped it, they did it royally. We’ll all I can say is Go Irish!!!
    1 point
  48. I also thought this has to make you wonder about Brian Kelly. Maybe the excuses he gave for not winning bigger weren't valid. Maybe it's, at least in part, him and it's continuing at LSU.
    1 point
  49. Getting back to what started all this, Is Hattiesburg a more/less desirable job than say Starkville or other schools? There is no doubt that discipline is a problem and has probably kept them from a State championship. They've had the talent to do it. Coaches at every school have to deal with it. Have a super talented but undisciplined player, coach would either run them to death, grab the facemask, yell, or send out of practice. Sometimes it works, but when you have too many of those, you can't spend that much time of your practice dealing with it, when you need to be installing and running plays over and over and over again. Vance was not dumb and realized at some point, that is the cards he was dealt. That's why we saw the sideline antics, coming out to the hash marks, working the refs from the 1st QTR on, with the assistant coaches following suit. And it worked. Hattiesburg beat some pretty good teams to get to The Rock this year, (not Picayune, that was stolen, but Hattiesburg did play well enough to benefit at the end...). They will get a good coach though, but let's not make them out to be the most desirable job in the state. It's just not.
    1 point
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