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  1. I do believe PCS is going to region 8.I don't believe West Marion is leaving region 8
  2. No. West Marion isn't moving from region 8.
  3. Tylertown easy win. Too much speed for Enterprise
  4. Bye week. We will play St. Stanislaus for the district next week.
  5. it's a discussion board. Don't be angry DUDE.
  6. A team that's not worth a crap WOULD have panicked after getting down. Staying calm and chipping away is the opposite of a crap team. West is a young team. All the skill guys are sophomores. They just play with alot of heart.
  7. So what's you thoughts on that very weak West Marion team now?
  8. Great hire for West Marion. Young and energetic coach will inject life back into the program.
  9. You lost all credibility with enterprise at #1
  10. Why would Columbia get more players from this? The only people that have a problem with West/East consolidating are non progressing people. One budget/one school equals better facilities and better programs for our kids. Look at all the schools that have consolidated. Seems to be working for them.
  11. Every team in 8-3a(besides St. Patrick) would beat Enterprise. You think yall are better than you really are.
  12. You didn't hear that. Stop making up stories.
  13. I'm not tripping. You have an opinion poll.
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