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CrimsonUnit1988 last won the day on October 11 2023

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  1. Yeah I believe Pennock probably takes that honor now. I’ve seen the pay scale at Bay. It’s not 6 figures.
  2. Yeah, you're not making six figures at Bay. OS, Gulfport, Biloxi. Those are the three probably closest to 6 figures and I may throw Pass in there because their local supplement is really good but Bay ain't raking in 6 figures.
  3. At this point we all believe you're Lane Brady.
  4. Well if he's applied for Moss Point then I'd assume he's applied or will apply at other places as well.
  5. And I wasn't necessarily aware of the Harmon backlash but at this point he looks good. I posted the other day that in their past 152 games they are 56-96. In the previous 258 games they were 192-66. Those 152 games featured 6 different coaches while the 258 were only two in Alexander and Sims.
  6. I agree. I'm just curious if he will or not.
  7. Personally, I can see Harmon coming back. I think Murphy is going through a change in Mobile and if they allow him to stay retired, I can see it. Also, maybe a coach from the Hinds County area plus an out of state guy. Moss Point can be an attractive job. I personally don't see the Taylorsville guy as the favorite. Doesn't mean he isn't or won't get the job, I will say it's a surprising candidate IMO.
  8. Then it has to be Mize or Taylorsville HC. I don't see those being the favorites.
  9. Also real curious about Gautier. I know High has his years in. Playing for a state title, 30 or so seniors, Mr 5A Football at QB all leaving. Does he retire?
  10. But he wasn’t the head coach.
  11. So, will we see any more movement on the coast after this week?
  12. If Louisville can throw the ball well then Poplarville will be in trouble.
  13. I just can't figure out whether to take you serious or not
  14. Lane Brady quickly becoming a name that pops up on every search or is that just a joke that's running on here?
  15. In the past 152 games Moss Point is 56-96. The 258 games prior to that they were 192-66. Pretty stark difference. Also in that 258 game stretch MP had two HCs. The most recent 152 games, SIX HCs.
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