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Merlin last won the day on November 2 2024

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  1. No one wants any of the Laurel coaches. Not even of their own fans.
  2. Merlin


    I used to go to church with Kelly when he was an assistant at Laurel then northeast jones. Good dude. Not surprised to see him wanting to come back south.
  3. Laurel won’t make it to south state. They will be bad again.
  4. Not as bad as at Laurel. Which is exactly why they have fallen the last couple years. And it won’t get better any time soon. Their fans won’t admit it. But players that transferred there from other schools say the practices are easier. They aren’t made to run as much nor pushed as hard in the weight room. Go watch their games on YouTube and Facebook last year and the year before. Look how their physically massive lines were bullied around by everyone. Except the one guard who signed with LSU.
  5. Good ole boy network at its finest. Great way to ruin a program for a long time
  6. I think everyone outside of Oktibbeha county would agree with that.
  7. I doubt it. Why would he?
  8. Is Hattiesburg a better job than Starkville tho?
  9. I had a cousin at the old buckatunna elementary when it was in the white building near the river bridge when they consolidated. My mom and aunts went to high school at buckatunna.
  10. Like was mention in another thread when it was mentioned. He might not want anything to do with WC administration after what they did to him a few years back.
  11. Wasn’t a good choice before playing Grenada.
  12. Deontae knows. He hinted that he did after 2020 and 21 when their seasons ended as they did. He said it after 22 ended. And flat out was in the bus after 23. He got caught up in the spring practice praises of others and got distracted from the truth. And then as season went he bought in. Now it’s back to reality. Despite all the raw talent, and they are loaded with it, something just doesn’t click between it and the way Vance coaches.
  13. officiating. I think the game is on YouTube. Go watch it.
  14. Hattiesburg has peaked under Vance. Since the spring some said this was their best ever team. I still think the 2018 team was better. This one maybe slightly better on defense but that team was much better on offense and better overall. Mostly due to better qb. Everyone knew “hit duece, shut down the offense” for the last 4 years. This year west jones did not have the d line to do it, or they were held up, literally. Pascagoula sometimes forgot how to play. Picayune was stopped by the officials. But now the officials aren’t buying what Hattiesburg is selling and Grenada, who was thinking of coming back and winning this time since before the final buzzer in last years game (like I think they focused on this year about 1 minute after west jones 70 yard run sealed the title game last year) came in focused. They hit Vance all night. The proved what we all knew.
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